The horror of the holocaust
The horror of the holocaust Coronavirus is real, kindly wash your hands and wear facemask while coughing Liberated prisoners of Ebensee concentration camp, Austrian Alps after World War 11, 1945 K lerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - As the world commemorated the tragedy of the Holocaust on 27 January, the Klerksdorp museum joins the commemoration by hosting a banner exhibition from 1 February to 31 March that tells the story of the Holocaust in pictures. The genocide perpetrated by the Nazis is perhaps the best-known state-organized effort to exterminate an entire people group. During the Holocaust, the Nazis and their allies killed 6 million Jewish people, 200 000 Romani (Gypsy) people, 250 000 mentally and physically disabled people, and 9 000 homosexual men, most of them in infamous death camps like Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek and Sobibor. According to museum historian, Bert Gaffen, this is by no means the only example of the 20th or indeed 21st...